Wednesday, August 10

Tag 4 - Bahnhof, Katze und Steppe

Lugansk - Tag 3 at 11 o'clock in the night...

What kind of fucking Vehicle drives 400 Km in 10 Hours?

We find no more buses to Volgograd... no problem
Let's eat a Shaorma.

In front of the autobusstation there was a stand with spinning meat at the grill ... Döner Laden ... Shaorma shop.. whatever everybody likes to call it.
With no bus to drive to our next milestone ... and no place to sleep overnight... we decided that the shaorma shop was the next best decision.
We met some guys from India and Sri Lanka and talked to them for a while. They were studying medicine and bwl in Ukraine. Cool guys. They reminded me of friends from Qingdao. We listened to classical indian bollywood songs while eating shaorma. They fit together somehow :))
              Indians man ... they can dance man

After they left ... three Ukrainians joined our Shaorma table. After a few drinks, one of them could speak english... but just didn't want to accept that i don't speak russian. Bleeadg ... Shishkjee... Da... Piva... were enough words in russian to start a conversation with them. The guy insisted that i call his wife (at 3 in the morning) and talk to her on romanian.

We waited inside the Autobus station the whole night.. together with other old guys that were talking and farting in their sleep. A little cat came and started to play around.

There was no bus to Volgograd .... ok then.. let's go to the train station
There was no train to Volgograd.... ok then...... shit

Outside the train station we were trying to figure it out how to reach Volgograd.
We decided to hich-hike to the Border with Russia.

................. and then two minutes later, we found a Bus that was 3 metres away from us... that was driving to the Border too. It was exactly what we needed. The Ticket costed 1,3 Euros for a 2 hours drive to the Border.
This trip just gets better and better man...
Border with Russia

All that stuff that we learned in geography in school... this was it man... all the vegetation was changing to Steppe... the Climate changed too from hot weather to cook-your-water-without fire-weather.
The people from the border were really cool and nice to us.

''Wjellcome too Rushia'' ... said the sexy russian girl behind the counter.

Hitch-hiking through the Steppe in the hot sun is ... an experience.

  We got to Volgograd faster than any train or bus.
This is Alec ... Alec took us to Volgograd

Now we're in a Hotel next to Volga river... it's a bit dirty but it's okay. it has an awesome view from the balcony.
we took a shower and we get a good night sleep finally.


Tomorow - we hitch-hike to the border of Kasachstan

Life is great


Russian Reggae


Elle Ypsilon said...

Hell YESSS, Sebastian got some sexy trucker tan! *____*

Ich bin wirklich froh, dass es euch beiden gut geht und dass ihr so schnell vorankommt. Jeden Tag freue ich mich auf Neuigkeiten eurerseits. :D

Die Katze ist übrigens sehr niedlich! Ich hätte sie mitgenommen.

Anita said...

Ly, auch wenn du die Katzenfrau bist... ich will sie haben die is echt süß!

Rita said...

suuuuuper fain piciule! eu și tata suntem căzuți în admirație