Sunday, August 7

Tag 1- we have bigger feet than we think - Part I

9 o'clock Sebastian calls:
"Bogdan! wake up! I've got something here. the postman gave me two things that look like passports with 3 Visas on them"
-"Bombe mann! we meet at the train station at half past 10.. in the middle. (actually it was half past 11 but i understood wrong... so i waited like a honk for one hour")

11:33 Sebastian arrives "did you wait long?"
- "nah! i just came here too"

We are leaving with the S-bahn to Sauerlach. it was my lucky day .. so i didn't have to buy a ticket.. because i'll be lucky and no one's going to check me.
From Sauerlach we go by foot for a while and we talk about Gott und die Welt ... god and the world ...

We arrive at the autobahn. Usually in Germany you have to wait a lot until somebody picks you up...
The second car stopped in the middle of the road and said "get in".
It was a cool dude from Berlin. He moved to Bavaria 10 years ago ... and ten years later.. he picked us up with his car. He took us until Rosenheim.

The luck followed us the whole day. From Rosenheim, another guy took us to Chiemsee.
Not a long way but it was interesting. The guy is in the Bundeswehr and was in Afganistan for some time. He told us some cool stories about how some of his teammates blew up and about how everyone in afganistan has the latest cellphone even though they still look like they live in the middle ages (his words)
Right... the first two times Sebastian hitchhiked.. the third time i did. we waited for a half hour.
A really nice girl from austria picked us up with her truck. She took us until Salzburg.

She let us out at a gas station... and we had a goddamn lot of luck this time. we saw a couple from Slowakia with their car. They happily took us until Bratislava...

Border to Slowakia

Sebastian made three plans one day before.
  • The first one: worst case scenario - we don't get further than Salzburg
  • The second one: Normal scenario - we arrive short to Wiena
  • The third: Best case scenario - We arrive until Bratislava in the first day 

Sorry to dissapoint all of you .. but none of the scenarios happened.

We arrived until Ukraine in the first day 


Song of the Post

1 comment:

Monika Auer said...

Hallo Ihr Beiden!!
Ich bin sehr beeindruckt von Eurer Reise und freue mich, dass Ihr so weit gekommen seid.
liebe Grüße aus Salzburg und viel Erfolg!!!
Monika, the girl with the pick-up truck